Monday, August 24, 2009

Wisdom or so it may seem!!

I had a spark of gyan, or so it seems to me..
I have gained a little knowledge on the workings of this unreal universe.
I am always caught-  to believe or not to believe...
  My heart  will always believe...but my mind assimilates all the worldy information and guides my senses to a scientific or human thought!

My questions about life have always remained unanswered for a long time...
No atheist or a god fearing man as ever been able completely push my beliefs
Each have their concoctions of their theory they have derived.
Science is the answer or will be says the atheist.
One of my friend says no religion convincingly answers his question on evolution.
He is sure of the non-existence of GOD or the creator. He says science may not have the answers to all the questions right now...but science is not done... with its exploration and will have answers in due course of time...
Scientists never say that theories are 100% correct.
They say 99.99% this is the correct answer or solution or proof.

Moving over,if you ever come across a devout he will give you as they call a guaranteed or a mathematically 100% proof of existence of the Supreme being GOD.He says all you need is faith not proofs!!
One may argue, like  my mind does in its state of turmoil ... that he may not have given you a practical answer and all that he answers are in roundabout circles.

But for me the simple truth is "Faith in God gives gives me peace of mind, faith in science needs proof"

 I fear that we only believe in things that our level of wisdom permits us too. Sometimes  people assume that they have  reached a state higher intellect, once their wisdom has run them out.

i.e they have achieved the Ultimate truth or are getting there.... so they dont believe in what they assume as Concocted theories...

Sometimes they simply forget that there have been people of higher intellect in their past or even maybe in the future... so a man in the present can never assume he has achieved all knowledge...
Therefore i musnt rubbish wisdom imparted from theist... as you may not have the necessary level of understanding to achieve or realise the presence of GOD...
One must be always an open vessel...collecting information and not throw anything away..for fear that sometimes it might be the answer to all questions...
My belief that everything comes a full circle is slowly taking a very strong formation.
As in fashion and so in various fields of art and science... old rules/laws theories styles always come back to relevance one musnt throw knowledge that has been there for centuries assuming that they have become extinct.....

I believe Nothing is GOD....
one may finally create matter.... out of nothing....
but who  creates the nothing??

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