Saturday, November 8, 2008

insights into the man

Ok first things first, if he would have sat this one out for me i wouldn't have been able to put pen to paper.
My idea of tearing my sketch apart would be first to discuss its shortcomings.
Didnt do justice to his looks. This may be attributed to the fact that i didnt make the sketch very dark highlighting his face .
Also not visible on this photo, there are a lot of outlines which shouldnt be there, define boundaries around his face.
Ok, these are the major ones here... and i know for most of you it mean s***!!!

Outlines apparently are big no nos in sketching.They put you down as an artist and make you more a pre school kid learn to color between the lines.As for the dark areas, if they arent black enough the ruin other white or grey areas.
This sketch i would rate as 1 on a scale of 5. My best friend didnt like it at all.I was furious at first, but i did forgive her!!!
Ok i know the hand through his hair is done brilliantly and so are his eyes.What can i say , i am a "eye " person.Finally ladies dont ogle at him for too long!!


Sini said...

Hey, nice new blog! Like ur blog name too! ANd of course, the posts are very 'insightful' :)...

ankita said...

i second that :)